These are the hands-on mixed reposition exercises with answers. The answers are given at the end of the exercises.
- My pen is superior _______ yours.
- Whom was she talking _______?
- This is the more interesting _______ the two.
- Wisdom consists _______ doing the right thing at the right time.
- I am no oblivious _______ the dangers ahead.
- Science is opposed _______ superstitions.
- The moneylender was not ready to part _______ his money.
- She was mad _______ joy and jumped _______ the sea by mistake.
- I am not satisfied _______ your behavior.
- What is the origin _______ quarrel _______ two brothers.
- Nida was leaning _______ a tree _______ a book in her hand.
- I looked _______ her children when she was _______ the hospital.
- He married _______ money.
- She is not strange _______ me.
- This house has been allotted _______ Professor Tom.
- I am sure _______ my success.
- He is short _______ money these days.
- She attained _______ high position by dint of hard work.
- Man can never be satiated _______ pleasure.
- He fell _______ his horse.
- I’ll be back _______ an hour.
- Her views do not accord _______ mine.
- A beautiful girl is coming _______ my house.
- The sun shines _______ the earth.
- She had to pass _______ many troubles.
- Water is changed _______ steam _______ heat.
- Jimmy is clever _______ Mathematics.
- The swans are flying _______ the sky.
- This box is made _______ wood.
- The horse is lame _______ one leg.
Read also: Types of Prepositions with Examples & List

- to
- to
- of
- in
- of
- to
- with
- with, into
- with
- of, between
- against, with
- after, in
- for
- to
- to
- of
- of
- to
- with
- off
- within
- with
- towards
- over
- through
- into, by
- at
- in
- of
- of
View also: In, On, At – Preposition of Time and Place Exercises