Teacher’s Day is a very special day, the time to appreciate the teachers. The teacher’s day is celebrated worldwide to honor the teachers.
Teacher’s day is celebrated on 5th October every year in many countries but different countries have different celebration dates.
On this occasion, students celebrate and wish their teachers. We have some cool collection of teacher’s day wishes. You can also send these wishes to your teachers.

Teacher is lamp of nation. Teacher is only one person who serve society in real manner. Salute all teachers of nation.
Happy Teacher’s Day 2019

Teaching is the only profession that teaches all the professions.

I have so much gratitude for you, teacher. You are a role model for all of your students. Thank you for making us wiser each and every day.

Just because of your dedication and commitment, you made me best. Thank you, dear Teacher!

Good teachers are had to find and we are really lucky to have you as our teacher. You made us want to become better students and better persons. That means a lot.

Dear Teacher,
Thanks for inspiring hope in me; igniting my imagination; and instilling in me, a love of learning.
Happy Teachers Day

They help us strive for gold,
They give us model roles,
They are such beautiful souls,
Happy Teacher’s Day

You were a mentor of life. Although I did not realize this before. Now it feels wonderful to have someone lead me in the right path in life.