In, On, At – Preposition of Time and Place Exercises

In, On, At – Preposition of Time and Place Exercises

Practice Exercise: Mixed Preposition Exercises with Answers


  1. Wisdom consists in doing the right thing at the right time.
  2. Jamil is clever at Mathematics.
  3. Write in ink.
  4. Our teacher usually come by bus but today he came on foot.
  5. The swans are flying in the sky.
  6. She is a Lecturer in History.
  7. The stars twinkle in the sky at night.
  8. I’ll stay with my brother in Karachi.
  9. An ordinary man would shudder at the sight of blood.
  10. All powers are vested in the President.
  11. He could not show his ability in teaching English.
  12. Adil took aim at the prey and fired.
  13. I was alarmed at the news of her illness.
  14. I arrived in Lahore on Monday.
  15. I arrived at the hotel on time.

View also: Preposition of Time, Preposition of Place
