What is the rule when adding ‘ing’ to a word?
Here is how you can correct ” -ing forms” spellings of gerunds and verbs.
We can change a verb into ‘ing’ form by adding ‘ing’ at the end of verb.
Base form | ING form |
Deal | dealing |
Show | showing |
Weep | weeping |
Do | doing |
Talk | talking |
Hear | hearing |
Post | posting |
- He is dealing with the hardships of life.
- He was doing the work efficiently.
- Who is talking with you?
- Tom is showing us his new car.
- The child is weeping
If there comes ‘e’ at the end of verb, then add ‘ing’ at the end of verb by removing ‘e’.
Base form | ING form |
Smile | smiling |
Write | writing |
Make | making |
Ride | riding |
Shine | shining |
Some examples of above rule,
- She is smiling while watching TV.
- The chef is making a sponge cake.
- The stars are shining at the sky.
- Tom is riding the horse.
- He is writing an essay.
If the composition of verb is Consonant+Vowel+Consonant, then the final consonant is doubled + ‘ing’ at the end.
Infinitive | ING form |
Ban | banning |
Bet | betting |
Grit | gritting |
Get | getting |
- The government was banning the use of polythene bags.
- They were gritting the icy-way.
- He is getting admission in Beacon House School.
If a two-syllable verb ends in a Consonant + Vowel + Consonant, we do not double the final consonant when the stress is on the first syllable.
Infinitive | ING form |
to happen | happening |
to enter | entering |
to offer | offering |
to suffer | suffering |
- What is happening?
- They are offering a discount.
- Many people are suffering from lack of food and water.
But, we do not double the final consonant when the verb ends in W, X, or Y or when the final syllable is not emphasized.
Infinitive | ING form |
to fix | fixing |
to enjoy | enjoying |
to snow | snowing |
- He is fixing his bike.
- We are enjoying this great weather.
- It’s snowing outside.
If the verb ends in -ie we change it to -ying.
Infinitive | ING form |
to lie | lying |
to die | dying |
to tie | tying |
- I know you are lying to me!
- You should water your plant more because I think it is dying.
- The little boy is tying his shoelaces.
If the verb ends in Consonant + Vowel + L, we normally double the final L and add -ing.
Infinitive | British English | US English |
to travel | travelling | traveling |
to marvel | marvelling | marveling |
- I have been traveling around South America for 6 months.
- He was marveling at her beauty.
If the verb ends in a stressed Vowel+R, we double the final R and add -ing.
Infinitive | ING form |
refer | referring |
defer | deferring |
- Are you referring to this one or that one?
- They are thinking of deferring payment of their mortgage.
If the verb ends in an Unstressed Vowel + R, we do not double the final R and add -ing.
Infinitive | ING form |
to offer | offering |
to suffer | suffering |
to whisper | whispering |
- I am offering you a special deal.
- He is now suffering the consequences of his actions.
- I wonder what he is whispering in her ear.