Slangs in English are the words used in specific meanings instead of original meanings. These are used in many particular situations. These words are not considered a part of quality English.
- Airhead (a stupid person)
- I’m sorry to say that you sometimes act like an airhead.
- Amigo (friend — Spanish)
- I met many amigos at the farewell party.
- Armpit (dirty, unappealing)
- This cheap hotel is an absolute armpit!
- Ass (an unworthy and hated person)
- I cannot befriend when you act like an ass.
- Awesome (great and impressive)
- Your services for this institution are truly awesome.
- Bang (a very powerful thing)
- Disneyland is really a bang!
- Barf (vomit)
- My dog barfed all over the carpet.
- Bazillion (an infinite number of something)
- I really have taught a bazillion students during the last five years.
- Beans (money)
- I’ve worked for this company for three years, but I still don’t have beans.
- Beat (tired)
- I’m really beat because I was awake all night.
- Biggie (something important)
- I was hoping to get my homework completed but it’s so biggie.
- Biker (a motorcycle rider)
- He used to be a biker until he got into a serious motorcycle accident.
- Bod (body)
- Stalone has a great bod!
- Bonkers (crazy)
- He who works too hard sometimes goes bonkers!
- Booboo (a mistake)
- I made a booboo while solving questions.
- Boob tube (television)
- He is always in front of the boob tube.
- Bullshit (lie, dishonesty)
- I don’t like people that bullshit me.
- Bushed (extremely tired)
- I’m completely bushed.
- Catch some rays (get some shine)
- Let’s go to the beach and catch some rays.
- Cheesy (cheap, outmoded)
- Why are you wearing such cheesy clothes?
- Chicken (coward)
- Don’t be such chicken!
- Cool (excellent, superb)
- My web site is totally cool!
- Cooler (jail)
- If you drink and drive, you’ll end up spending time in the cooler.
- Couch potato (a person who watches too much television)
- Why did I have to marry such a couch potato?
- Crap (something worthless)
- My furniture is a bunch of cheap crap.
- Dirt (extremely bad person)
- He was dirt so I stopped meeting him.
- Dirty (offensive, pornographic)
- Stop looking at the pictures in that dirty magazine!
- Dynamite (powerful, excellent)
- His performance was really dynamite.
- Evil (great)
- Your car is really evil.
- Eyeball (to stare long and hard at someone)
- He eyeballed his opponent before starting the game.
- Fab (fabulous)
- This new hotel is really fab.
- Fart (to expel intestinal gas)
- It is embarrassing to fart on the first date.
- Flashback (sudden memory)
- Sometimes I have a flashback to my days living in Paris.
- Flick (movie)
- Let’s go out tonight and watch a flick.
- Fox (attractive, alluring person)
- I love her; she is really a fox.
- Freebie (something that does not cost money)
- My trip to New York was a freebie.
- Geek (someone who works too hard, is more intelligent than usual, and is slightly unattractive)
- Bill Gates is a kind of a geek.
- Get it (to understand something)
- Sorry, but I just don’t get it.
- Glitch (flaw)
- There must be a glitch in this software.
- Go bananas (Go slightly mad)
- My children will certainly make me go bananas!
- Gomer (a dumb person)
- Stop acting like a gomer.
- Goof (a silly and foolish person)
- What a goof you are!
- Goof off (waste time)
- Stop goofing off and help me clean the house!
- Grabbers (hands)
- Have you washed your grabbers, Sunny?
- Grub (food)
- Where’s the grub?
- Guts (courage)
- I took a lot of guts to ask his boss for a raise.
- Hairy (difficult)
- The steep and windy road was really hairy.
- Head (toilet)
- I really need to use the head!
- Hep or hip (sensible, informed)
- She’s really hip student.
- Hyper (overly excited)
- Children often get hyper when they are tired.
- Icky (unpleasant)
- The food is really icky in this cafeteria.
- Jack around (waste time)
- Will you please stop jacking around?
- Jerk (stupid or annoying person)
- How could you go out with such a jer like Jhanir?
- Jillion (an immense number)
- Do you really have jillion problems?
- Kick back (relax and enjoy)
- I wish I could kick back at the lake today.
- Kick-off (die)
- My dog finally kicked off.
- Killer (something exceptional or great)
- Wow, your girlfriend is a real killer!
- Knock (condemn)
- Don’t knock it unless you’ve tried it.
- Laidback (relaxed, calm)
- I always feel laidback at the beach.
- Lame (incompetent)
- Some students are lame but claim to be scholars.
- Love handles (excess fat around the waist)
- It is not possible for our policemen to lose their love handles.
- Make waves (cause problems)
- Teachers don’t like students to make waves.
- To the max (maximum)
- I’m happy to the max.
- Mellow (relaxed)
- I’m feeling very mellow this evening.
- Mickey-mouse (unimportant, time-wasting)
- I’m sick of this mickey-mouse job.
- Nuke (destroy, delete)
- Sorry, but I accidentally nuked your e-mail message.
- Nut (someone passionate about something)
- I’m a nut about computers.
- Pad (someone’s home)
- Can I sleep at your pad tonight?
- Peanuts (very little money)
- I love my job but the pay is peanuts.
- Piss (to urinate)
- My cat pissed on me!
- Pro (someone who’s good at something professional)
- She’s really a pro at golf.
- Puss (the face)
- His friend slapped him on the puss.
- Quick and dirty (done fast but not well)
- The mechanic did a quick and dirty repair on my car.
- Rat (a despicable person)
- I thought I loved you but now I know you’re really a rat.
- Razz (annoy someone)
- Will you please stop razzing me?
- Rip off (stealing)
- Someone ripped off my car.
- Rubbish (nonsense, not true)
- That rumor is a bunch of rubbish.
- Rug rat ( a child)
- Jimmy has a couple of rug rats at home.
- The runs (diarrhea)
- Oh no! I’ve got the runs!
- Screw up (to make a mistake)
- I screwed up on the driving test, so I didn’t pass.
- Snookered (cheated)
- I got snookered by her glib tongue.
- Sofa spud (a person who watches)
- He’s usually a sofa spud on Sunday.
- Suck (to be bad and unacceptable)
- That song really sucks!
- Umpteen (many, countless)
- I’ve asked you umpteen times to show me the money!
- Uptight (nervous, anxious)
- Why are you so uptight?
- Vanilla (plain)
- She drives a vanilla car.
- White bread (plain, boring)
- The movie I watched last night was really white bread.
- Whiz (Someone who shows a special talent for something)
- Einstein was a whiz in Physics.
- Wimpy (weak)
- Don’t be so wimpy.
- Yank (bother, harass)
- Stop yanking me, okay?
- Zit (pimple, acne)
- Teens often have a lot of zits.